
The school feels that it is important that the children look smart and feel part of a team. This all contributes to the ethos of the school and helps set an appropriate tone. For full details see our Uniform Policy.

We have an online shop for uniform.  Click here,  search for Duxford and order in the usual way.

Uniform -  The following items, with the school logo, are available through the school office.

White or Blue Polo Shirt (These can also be purchased from supermarkets or clothes shops without the school logo)

Blue Sweatshirt or Cardigan (We request that all children wear a school sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo)

Book Bags

Year 6 only - Maroon Sweatshirt or Cardigan Grey/black trousers, skirts or pinafores can be bought from most retailers.

In summer shorts and blue gingham dresses are acceptable (no leggings underneath skirts or dresses please). In the winter (again no leggings) thick tights can be worn under skirts or pinafores. Tights should be either, white, grey, black or navy blue.

Children should wear appropriate black shoes (no trainers please) to school which are safe for class and playtime activities. Name all items of clothing and check regularly to ensure the name is still visible. In the interests of safety only one pair of small stud earrings may be worn in school. These must be removed by the child before PE activities in order to comply with health and safety regulations. If your child is unable to do so please remove them before school. Long hair should be tied back at all times, not just for PE in the interests of safety. No make up, including temporary tattoos, dyed hair or nail varnish is to be worn. PE and Games Kit Class teachers will inform parents of the days that PE lessons will take place and children should come to wearing their PE kits. 

PE Kit - Each child is required to wear:

 plimsolls or trainers,

 shorts , leggings or jogging bottoms (depending on the weather) in plain navy or black 

 a blue school PE t-shirt with a logo or plain white, navy or black t-shirt or polo shirt.  

 A school sweatshirt