Parent Letter


Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back! We hope you have enjoyed a lovely Christmas break and your child is raring to go in this important term.

As always, we have an exciting Spring term ahead of us with our World Wars topic; this will include the roles of men and women in the war, life in the trenches, why the war started, the countries involved and how supplies reached the troops. More information on this topic can be found on the Year 6 Overview. We will be studying ‘War Horse’ by Michael Morpurgo in our Guided Reading lessons this half-term.

This half-term’s PE lessons will continue to be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit (plain white/black/navy t-shirt, joggers or shorts, trainers and normal school jumper).

Home learning will continue to be set weekly. This will consist of a weekly reading task and will alternate Maths and SPAG. We will also be sending home some revision booklets towards the end of the term for the children to work on. We recommend little and often to ensure they remember and practise key learning. All tasks continue to be compulsory and must be handed in on or before Thursday. In addition, children will continue to be given weekly spelling tasks and we will be testing the rules they have learnt on a Thursday.


If you have any queries, please contact the office who will pass on the message to us. We will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.

Later this term, you will be invited to attend a meeting which will introduce the Year 6 SATs and you can keep up-to-date with other important events and updates via the school website and the Airwaves newsletter.

We look forward to continuing to work with you to help your child to have a great penultimate term at Duxford Primary.

Best wishes,

Mrs Laura Johnston and Mrs Lianne Lawrence