Parent Letter

Dear Parents/ Carers,
I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter holidays!
The Summer term is starting and it’s going to be a busy one! In Warblers class this term we will still be practicing our spellings, handwriting and times tables for our start of the day activity. As I’m sure you are aware, these are important requirements for every child’s learning- please ensure your child arrives in school on time so as not to miss anything. We have a very exciting Summer term ahead of us in which we will be looking at topics such as the Amazon rainforest and its importance (Geography) and how to make electronic charms (DT). We’ll be studying Narrative writing, and how to create a script in English. If you would like more information on what else we will be learning about in the Summer term, please refer to the curriculum grid provided! This term we will be doing Relationships and Sex education in PSHE. This will cover stages of the human life cycle, that a sperm and an egg come together to make a foetus and what happens after, and familial responsibilities. If you have any queries or concerns about this please send me an email.
This term’s PE lessons will be on Tuesdays (with Cambridge united) and Fridays (swimming). Please ensure your child comes to school already wearing appropriate PE kit (school PE T-shirt with logo on or plain white/black/navy t-shirt, joggers or shorts, trainers and normal school jumper). Likewise, students should bring appropriate swimming costumes (e.g. one piece swimsuit, trunks) from Friday’s swimming lessons. Please ensure all uniform and removable clothing is named to avoid confusion and/ or loss of property.
Children are welcome to bring a fruit or vegetable snack to consume during morning break time, and are encouraged to have a named water bottle for the whole day.
Optional homework can be found in the Home Learning task labelled as such and included with this letter. Mandatory We ask that the children practice on Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstars a minimum of twice a week or for 30 minutes. Please encourage your children to access these websites as much as possible. Year Fours have the Government mandated times tables test this term, so it is especially important for them to get as much practice as possible.
I hope that we can work together to end the school year as brilliantly as we began!
Best wishes,
Mrs R. Yeo Warblers Class teacher