Parent Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope had a lovely, restful half term!

I am very excited to start the term with Robins class! I have spent some time getting to know the children, but I look forward to learning more about them all over the coming weeks. I have attached our curriculum map which outlines what your child/children will be learning this term. In English, the children are starting the year by reading ‘Traction man’ by Mini Grey. In History we will be learning about famous explorers from the past. The children will also be taught RSE (relationships and sex education) in PSHE. The content covered will be age appropriate and will cover the national curriculum aims.

This term P.E. will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. Robins also have Forest school on a Tuesday. Children should attend school in PE Kit on these days. Please ensure that your child/ children have appropriate P.E. kit and forest school clothing and that, for health and safety reasons, earrings are removed for P.E and that anyone with hair longer than shoulder length has their hair tied back.
Please ensure children bring a named bottle of water to drink during the day and that all uniforms are named to avoid things getting lost.

Children will be sent home with an optional home learning task which they may choose to complete in addition to the required home learning. We encourage families to read as often as possible. Please remember that we will change children’s rhino reading books on a Friday, but we can only change a book once the children can read it fluently (without sounding out). Year ones are also expected to complete 30 minutes of numbots a week. There are also learning resources for a variety of subjects on Starz if you wish to do some additional work with your child/ children.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office or at the door at drop off or pick up. I look forward to seeing what we can achieve and learn this term.

Kind regards,
Mrs Jessica Shevki