Parent Letter


Aim High, Fly High

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you all had a lovely winter break and are feeling ready for the term ahead.

The children had a fantastic Autumn term and have settled in really well. In the Spring term we encourage Reception children to become even more independent. In school children will be filling their own water bottles, putting coats and jumpers on themselves, putting aprons on, putting their own bags on their pegs and using their words to resolve conflict with friends. It would be brilliant if you could also encourage these things at home too. You may also feel that now is the right time to start saying goodbye to your child at the classroom door. 

In school we will learning about Castles and Monarchy. Our English text is ‘The castle the king built’ by Rebecca Colby and Tom Froese. I am very excited for the children to learn all about life in a castle and play in our role play area which has been transformed into a castle too! For more information about what the children will be learning, please see the curriculum grid.

This term P.E. will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Robins also have Forest school on a Tuesday. Children should attend school in PE Kit on these days. Please ensure that your child/ children have appropriate P.E. kit and forest school clothing and that, for health and safety reasons, earrings are removed for P.E and that anyone with hair longer than shoulder length has their hair tied back.

PE kit:


Plain navy or black shorts, legging or jogging bottoms (depending on the weather)

A blue school t-shirt with a logo or a plain white, navy or black t-shirt or polo shirt

A school sweatshirt (no hoodies)


Forest school clothing:


Long sleeve clothing such as joggers and a long top (please make sure these are items you do not mind getting muddy).

Please ensure children bring a named bottle of water to drink during the day and that all uniforms are named to avoid things getting lost.

Children will be sent home with an optional home learning task which they may choose to complete in addition to the required home learning. We encourage families to read as often as possible. Books will be sent home every Friday. Please remember that we can only change your child’s book once they can read it to us fluently (without sounding out).

Year ones are also expected to complete 30 minutes of Numbots a week.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office or at the door at drop off or pick up. Thank you for your continued support as we head into the spring term.

Kind regards,

Mrs Jessica Shevki