Parent Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back! We hope that you have all had a lovely Easter break.
This term, your child’s teachers will continue to be Mrs Lawrence (Monday, Wednesday) and Mrs Auty (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday). Curriculum Grid Please refer to the attached ‘Curriculum Grid’ which provides an overview of what your child will be learning this term.
In English we will begin by reading ‘The True Story of the Three Little Pigs’ by Jon Scieszka. The children will be writing their own alternative tales as well as a newspaper report. Later in the term, we will look at instructional texts and letter writing. In Maths we will be learning about capacity before moving on to learn about money. After this, we will study time, shape and statistics. The children will also be taught RSE (relationships and sex education) this half term. Lesson content will be age appropriate and will cover the aims of the national curriculum.
PE Lessons
Our PE lessons will be on a Monday. On Fridays, Year 3 will go to Sawston Village College for swimming lessons (please refer to the separate swimming timetable and letter for dates and more information). We will also be completing the daily mile every day. Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct PE kit and that earrings are removed.  We also ask that long hair is tied back on these days.
School Trip
We are very much looking forward to our upcoming trip to Ely Cathedral on Wednesday 24th April. We have lots of fun activities planned, which complement our RE and History curriculum, including a Place of Worship trail, a monastic life session and a chance to learn about medieval medicine.
Home Learning
Please also find attached your child’s ‘Home Learning’ sheet. This outlines the homework expectations and also provides an optional home learning task. As always, you can keep up-to-date with all important dates, events and updates via the school website and on the Airwaves newsletter but, should you need to speak to us, please feel free to make an appointment via the school office or speak to us when you collect your child at the end of the school day. Thank you in advance for your continued support this term.
Mrs Lianne Lawrence and Mrs Becky Auty